Observations of a Linguaphile OK, I guess I can’t speak for all language nerds so this is actually a list of thoughts I have on a fairly regular basis. Do you have them too? (How many language lovers have to agree before the post title is accurate?) 1. I wonder how many language
How to Memorize New Words without Lists or Flash Cards Most people who have learned, or tried to learn, multiple languages know the phenomenon where you try to speak one language and another comes out. This especially seems to happen with third or fourth languages – somehow your
A Social Justice Approach for Everyone As described in my first ever blog post, Esperanza Education aims to promote social justice education throughout all aspects of our work and relationships. My own understanding of social justice has been influenced by philosopher Iris Marion Youn
The We Speak! Gala for the Squamish Language Last month I wrote about my work with Kwi Awt Stelmexw in support of Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) Language revitalization. This week I am shamelessly promoting a special event happening later this week: the We Speak! Fundraising Gala is this Frid
Questions Everyone Asks about My Job Since October 2015, I have been working with Kwi Awt Stelmexw, a non-profit in Vancouver dedicated to strengthening Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) language and culture. The Skwxwú7mesh Peoples are Indigenous peoples whose territory includes modern-day Vanc
2015 in Review As I reflect on the past year for Esperanza Education, I recognize that it has been a year of both stability and change. Esperanza Education is now in its 8th year of operation, and our Language, Learning, and Culture Blog has been running for 2.5 years. Our readership
The Musqueam Place Names Map In an earlier post about learning one of Vancouver’s local Indigenous languages, hən̓q̓əmin̓əm̓, I reflected that if I had learned the original names for the places around me as a child, it might have led to a deeper understanding of our local histor
Check out this podcast interview of Esperanza Education teacher Kathryn Stewart on the Map Your Learning website. She discusses the ups and downs of being a teacher, the joys and challenges of working in a Canadian school with a majority immigrant population, blogging as a reflective
What We Can All Learn from Rosh Hashana Shana Tova! Today is Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Yes, for those who don’t know, the Jewish tradition follows a lunar calendar which begins in the fall, and is currently welcoming in year 5776! “Shana Tova” is one of the
Last year I asked readers to help me decide which language to focus on next: French or Punjabi. Well, I have to admit, I didn’t follow through on either plan! Although I have continued to use Duolingo for French vocabulary building, and have learned a few more Punjabi phrases fr