Teaching the Language of Sexual and Gender Minorities: Sex Ed can actually be quite boring. After we’ve gotten the giggles out about the words for the reproductive system, and looked at the after effects of letting an STI go untreated for far too long (“if it burns, if it
A situação atual da mulher Estamos no século 21 e, inacreditavelmente, a mulher ainda precisa lutar pelos seus direitos. Direito à liberdade, à igualdade e ao respeito. De diversas maneiras a mulher continua oprimida. Nos países ditos ‘desenvolvidos’ ou ’em desenvolvimento
Gender Inequality in Peruvian Education I am back in Vancouver, Canada after almost a year living in Lima, Peru working for UNICEF. I was very sad to leave Peru, for reasons I will write about in the coming weeks, but it is also very nice to be home. But as (reverse) culture shock goe
Why Turkish should be your next language to learn 1. It’s impressive. Few people learn Turkish as an additional language. As a result, native Turkish speakers praise you for your efforts. “Your Turkish is amazing!” they will say. “Turkish is so difficult!” they will say. People who do
My Favourite Social Justice Organization and Their Work to Improve Public Education in the Americas In 2007, I was on my way back to Canada after a year of living in Spain. I wanted to find a way to bring together my passions for Spanish, education, and social justice and I thought th
Avoiding Sexist Vocabulary in a Gendered Language In Spanish, all nouns and adjectives are assigned a gender, also referred to as grammatical gender. We have grammatical gender in English as well (for example, we say “he” or “she”, “boy” or “girl”, etc) but in Spanish even inanimate o