Questioning the language of escape Last week I went on a short trip to Boston to attend a wedding. I was excited about the trip for many reasons, including that I was travelling sans computer. I recently wrote about travelling without a camera, but the last time I left for the airport
I can speak Turkish. Why can’t I understand anything? These past few weeks I feel I can’t understand anything in Turkish. Meals are ordered, pleasantries are exchanged, buses are located, but as soon as someone speaks beyond a close range of familiarity, I become lost in a
Why China? and the struggle for answers Only three months until I leave for China, which means it’s time for a countdown post. I was planning on sharing my preparation checklist, but then I decided that’s boring (I need to get a visa and some travel insurance and go to the travel clin
Qual o objetivo O projeto Favela Painting pretende pintar, com a participação da comunidade local, a fachada de todas as casas de uma favela da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Quais os benefícios Seus idealizadores acreditam que tornar o ambiente mais bonito vai atrair um olhar mais positiv
Dedication in Rural Education Over the last two months, I have been travelling to small communities in the Cusco region of Peru for our (UNICEF) research project on intercultural bilingual schools. It has been a beautiful, educational, and humbling experience for me. The goal of Inter
Using Illustrated Books as a Learning Tool A few years ago I was at a boutique shop in the Kensington Market area of Toronto. There was a book section and I was excited to see some Spanish language books. I randomly pulled an illustrated Spanish version of the Odyssey off the shelf &
Identifique o seu nível de conhecimento da língua portuguesa O que é? Uma coleção de jogos que testam o nível de conhecimento da língua portuguesa. Eles utilizam recursos multimídia e foram desenvolvidos pela equipe da Editora Abril, uma das maiores empresas de comunicação do Brasil.
Os desafios de aprender outra língua Depois de muitos e muitos anos estudando inglês, entendi que aprender outra língua é um compromisso para toda vida. Por mais que eu tenha estudado inglês desde meus tenros anos escolares, por mais que eu venha usando esta língua durante toda a minh
Chinese TV shows have been great for my brain I like TV. I’ve been told that it’s bad for your brain, but if you’re like me and like to unwind with a good (or terrible) crime show, then I say harness the power of television for language learning as well. Listening comprehension has al
Keep Language Learning Relevant and Interesting Last week I posted the Spanish for Social Justice Quiz (the answers are below). I used this activity with students who were passionate about social justice activism, and they really enjoyed it. It has been shown that student motivation a