My final post for Esperanza
I have been writing for this blog for just shy of a year, and my words here have been the first that I’ve really let go into the universe. Writing on the internet is scary; anyone (anyone!) can read it, love it, hate it, comment on it, ignore it, share it, disparage it. Before blogging, my writing had always been private or for people I know, and trusting an invisible audience has often left me feeling anchorless. But writing regularly in this space has helped me start trusting myself and my words rather than relying on an audience.
And it’s also made me really think about what I actually think. How do I learn, why do I learn, why do I want to keep learning? I’ve started thinking more about how much language informs my relationships and wondering what my linguistic future looks like. And, most importantly, it’s reinforced my love of language. Anything and everything to do with language.
When I graduated from my master’s program, I knew that I was in love with language, but I didn’t know how to develop that love. I thought that education was the best route, so I pursued that for a few years. But I realized that it’s not actually the best route for me, and I floundered for a while, desperately wanting to find my thing. And now I have, and I’m setting off to develop my career as an editor. I’m setting off to live inside words and sentences and grammar and syntax and punctuation. And it’s perfect for me.
Thank you for reading. And keep learning, friends!