It’s been a great two years
Sadly, after more than two years of regular posts on the Esperanza Education Language, Learning and Culture blog it is time for me to say hasta luego!
Raising a Bilingual Child
Writing for Esperanza Education has given me the opportunity to explore my thoughts and ideas about the bilingual and bicultural education of my now six and a half year old daughter. This space has given me the freedom to express my frustrations, confusions and accomplishments in the difficult task of raising my daughter bilingual in an English environment. I enjoyed sharing my Mexican-Canadian family’s cultural traditions with you as well.
Oaxaca, Mexico
An exciting part of blogging was sharing why I love Oaxaca, Mexico. I blogged about some of the best places to visit in Oaxaca, including the Biblioteca Infantil, El Pochote organic market and Puerto Escondido.
My ten posts about Oaxacan food only took me from A to M however it was a fantastic learning experience for me to read and think about my favourite foods and drinks from Oaxaca.
My experience with language learning
As a life-long lover of language I also really enjoyed writing about how culture and language are interconnected and fun ways to learn Spanish.
Thanks for reading, and I hope to contribute to this awesome blog in the future.
Hasta luego!
Thank you for your fun and informative blog over the last two years!